We are dedicated to protecting investors from fraud and ensuring fair treatment. Engage only with licensed providers and registered institutions. Understand your risk profile to make informed investment decisions. For assistance, seek advice from a licensed professional and stay informed with our resources.
One of our primary objectives is to protect investors from fraudulent and illegal activities. We are committed to ensuring that investors are treated fairly and equitably. To achieve this, we follow a systematic process in handling complaints arising from business transactions between investors and any of our licensed entities. We are dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of the capital markets with confidence and security.
All investments carry varying degrees of risk. It is essential to understand the different financial investment products available in the market, Analyze each one, and make informed choices. Determine whether you are a “risk-taking” or “risk-averse” individual to pursue an aggressive, moderate or conservative investment strategy that aligns with your profile.
By understanding your risk tolerance and thoroughly researching your investment options, you can make more informed decisions and increase your chances of achieving your financial goals. Remember, seeking professional advice is invaluable when in doubt.
If you’re uncertain about making the right investment choice, seek advice from a professional licensed capital market service provider. These experts can help you understand your risk profile, analyse investment options, and create a tailored investment strategy.
Minaye Corporate Building 15th Floor
Flamingo Area, Kirkos
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
This public notice is directed at publicly held companies established or raising capital through public subscription under the Commercial Code of Ethiopia. Specifically, it concerns companies with more than fifty (50) shareholders, regardless of the sector or industry in which they operate.
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