የዳይሬክተሮች ቦርድ

ማሞ ምሕረቱ እስመለዓለም

የኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ባንክ ገዥ

ወንድምአገኘሁ ነገራ

ዋና ስራ አስፈፃሚ የኢትዮጵያ ምርት ገበያ (ECX)

ዶ/ር ኢዮብ ተስፋዬ

የፕሮግራም ዳይሬክተር፣ UNCDF

አባት አበበ ዋጋው

ጠበቃ እና የፋይናንስ አማካሪ (የቀድሞ AAU የአካዳሚክ ሰራተኞች)

ወ/ት ሃና ተኸልኩ

የኢትዮጵያ ካፒታል ገበያ ባለስልጣን ዋና ዳይሬክተር

ገብረኢየሱስ ጎንትዬ

የኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ባንክ የቦርድ አማካሪ

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Public Announcement

This public notice is directed at publicly held companies established or raising capital through public subscription under the Commercial Code of Ethiopia. Specifically, it concerns companies with more than fifty (50) shareholders, regardless of the sector or industry in which they operate.
Please select either button for further information.

Capital Market Summit 2024

Be part of a groundbreaking event where industry leaders and experts will gather to explore the future of capital markets. Don’t miss your chance to connect, learn, and engage with key players in the industry. Reserve your spot now!